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高中堂 副教授
发布时间:2019-02-18 09:50 来源:yl6809永利


高中堂,男,1983年生,博士/博士后,副教授,硕士生导师。博士毕业于西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室。yl6809永利菁英人才、yl6809永利科技新星,获得中国煤炭工业协会科学技术二等奖和中国发明协会二等奖各1项,中国机械工程学会高级会员,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家。近年主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划和企业横向等项目20余项,科研经费充足。目前已在《Materials Science and engineering: A》《Materials letter》《Ceramics International》等国内外高水平学术期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇;同时担任《Journal of Materials Science》 《Materials Letters》 《Materials Research Express》等SCI期刊审稿人;授权专利15项,其中发明12项。指导员工参加各类竞赛30余项,其中获省级以上奖励10余项,其中:第七届中国国际“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛省级银奖、第八届全国老员工电子商务三创挑战赛陕西赛区获“特等奖“、第十四届“挑战杯”陕西省课外学术作品省级二等奖。








2020 优秀班主任


2018 yl6809永利菁英人才


(1) 国家自然科学基金,51804251, 26万,项目负责人

(2) 陕西省重点研发计划项目一般工业,2023-YBGY-343,10万,项目负责人

(3) 八角湾重点实验室开放课题,AMGM2021F04,20万,项目负责人

(4) 陕西省自然科学基金,2020JM-512,5万,项目负责人

(5) 中国博士后科学基金,2017M613165,5万,项目负责人

(6) 凝固技术国家重点实验室开放课题,SKLSP201727,6万,项目负责人

(7) 陕西省重点研发计划子课题,2017TSCXL-GY-05,20万,项目负责人

(8) 陕西省博士后基金,2018BSHEDZZ11,5万,项目负责人

(9) yl6809永利科技新星项目,20万,项目负责人

(10) 陕西太合智能钻探有限公司横向课题,6000220631,36万,项目负责人



(1) Zhongtang Gao,Haomin Geng,Zhuhui Qiao,B Sun, Zhiming Gao, Chunwei Zhang.In situ TiBX/TiXNiY/TiC reinforced Ni60 composites by laser cladding and its effect on the tribological properties.CeramicsInternational,2023,49(4):6409-6418. SCI一区TOP期刊 ESI高被引论文

(2) Zhongtang Gao, Lingchen Ke, Jinzhou Li , Zhuhui Qiao, Liang Yuan, Zhiming Gao, Chuanwei Zhang. Effect of LaB6 addition on the in-situ synthesis of TiBx/TixNiy/TiC reinforced Ni-based composite coatings, 2023, 49(23):37454-37463. SCI一区TOP期刊

(3) Zhongtang Gao, Jinzhou Li, Lingchen Ke, Zhuhui Qiao, Liang Yuan, Zhiming Gao, Chuanwei Zhang. Microstructure and tribological properties of in-situ MxB reinforced CoCrFeNi HEA composites prepared by laser cladding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2023,966:171560 SCI一区TOP期刊

(4) Zhongtang Gao,Rui Hu,Tiebang Zhang, Jinshan Li. Fine grained microstructure crystallographic feature and its effect on mechanical behavior in Ni-Cr-W superalloy. Materials Science and engineering: A. 2015 (639): 107-113 SCI一区TOP期刊

(5) Zhongtang Gao, Wei Guo, Chuanwei Zhang,Jinqiang Tan. Development offine-grained structure in Ni-Cr-W based superalloy and its effect on the mechanical properties.Materials Science Engineering A,2017,682:156-163 SCI一区TOP期刊

(6) Zhongtang Gao, Bei Sun, Yuan Yu, Jinzhou Li, Tongyang Li, Lujie Wang, Zhiming Gao, and Zhuhui Qiao.Microstructure, Mechanical, and Tribological Properties of CoCrFeNi-Ag-Mo Self-lubricating Composite.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2023(47):1023-1029 SCI

(7) Zhongtang Gao, Defeng Yu,Zhiming Gao, Jiawei Lu, Yuan Yu,Chuanwei Zhang. Effect of Melt Hydrogen cotent on Hot Tearing Behavior of Al-Cu Alloys. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2023,52(6):2039~2047 SCI

(8) Zhongtang Gao, Shuqing Zhang,Zhiming Gao, Chuanwei Zhang. Effect of Rare-Earth La2O3 on Tribological Properties of Laser Cladding Nickel-Based Coatings on Alloy Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.2023,5:1062-1068 SCI

(9) Zhongtang Gao,Congcong Ren, Jinzhou Li, Zhiming Gao,Chuanwei Zhang..Effect of Mechanical Vibration on Microstructure and Properties of Laser Cladding WC Reinforced Nickel-based Alloy.Coatings.2023,13(5):1870 SCI

(10) Zhongtang Gao, Jiawei Lu, Yuan Yu, Yifei Wang, Defeng Yu, Tongyang Li, Lujie Wang, Huaguo Tang, Zhuhui Qiao. Effect of W addition on the microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of ZrB.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2023,52(9):3003-3011 SCI

(11) Zhongtang Gao, Haibo Ren,Haomin Geng, Yuan Yu, Chuanwei Zhang, Zhiming Gao. Effect of CeO2 on Microstructure and Wear Property of Laser Cladding Ni-Based Coatings Fabricated on 35CrMoV Steel.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.2022,31(11):9534-9543 SCI

(12) Zhongtang Gao, Haibo Ren, Yuan Yu, Zhiming Gao, Eryong Liu, Chuanwei Zhang. Effect of CeO2 on the microstructure and microhardensss of laser-cladded Ni60 on 35CrMoV alloys, Micron, 2021, 150:103146. SCI

(13) Zhongtang Gao*, Haibo Ren, Yuan Yu, Wei Guo, Chuanwei Zhang, Zhiming Gao. Effect of nano-WC content on microstructures and wear resistance of laser cladding Fe-based alloy coatings. Mater. Res. Express.2020,7,096515 SCI

(14) Zhongtang Gao*, Jinqiang Tan, Wei Guo, Chuanwei Zhang. Characterization of the microstructure evolution of Ni-based superalloy at liquidustemperature by electromagnetic field. Metals. 2018, 8, 748. 2018(42):1-9. SCI

(15) Zhongtang Gao, Wei Guo, Chuanwei Zhang, Rui Hu. Grain refinement by authigenic inoculation inherited from the medium-range order structure of Ni-Cr-W superalloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2018(42):1-9. SCI


[1] 高中堂,等.一种具有挑选功能的球状水果采摘装置, ZL201910489272.5.发明专利

[2] 高中堂,等.一种提高35CrMoV表面耐磨复合涂层及制备方法,ZL202110598180.8,发明专利

[3] 高中堂,等.一种多功能海洋工程合金的制备方法,ZL202110757829.发明专利

[4] 高中堂,等.一种原位合成TiB增强相耐磨复合涂层及其制备方法,2023104470607.发明专利

[5]高中堂,等 一种原位合成TiC增强相耐磨复合涂层及其制备方法,2023104470611.发明专利


邮箱:zhongtanggao@xust.edu.cn 电话:15209282977


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